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Hedgerow Bird Shelter or Bird Magnet Design

Increase the number of birds in your yard with this great four season color hedgerow. The trees and shrubs in this design have been selected both for their beauty and their ability to create habitat and provide food for birds.

Hedgerow Bird Shelter or Bird Magnet Design

种植 Specifications

Hardiness Zone 4-7
This landscape design can be expected to grow in the temperature extremes of the zones shown in color in this whqlhg.com hardiness zone map.
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-7
  • 阳光照射: 充足的阳光
  • 空间需要: 45 feet by 25 feet
  • Requi红色的 topography: Flat to rolling


The Hedgerow Bird Shelter begins with the installation of the Washington Hawthorn. Once it is installed the locations for the 冬天berry Hollies, American Cranberrybush Viburnums and the Arrowwood Viburnums can be easily determined with a few simple measurements.

Recommended Use / Design Principal

The Hedgerow Bird Shelter is a great addition to any bird lover's garden. The Hedgerow Bird Shelter not only offers bird's refuge and food but is also a beautiful aesthetic addition to any garden. Multiple Hedgerow Bird Shelter combinations can be purchased and installed end to end to increase the length of the planting as needed based on your available space.

Washington Hawthorn's white flowers in early June start the color show. Reddish-purple leaves turn dark green, then orange, scarlet or purple. Small, glossy 红色的 fruits stay on the tree into winter, and are prefer红色的 by songbirds.

The American Cranberrybush Viburnum has excellent fall foliage color which may be yellow, 红色的, orange or burgundy and is just one of the many attributes of this large and attractive native shrub. Showy, snow-white, flat-topped flowers appear in mid- to late-May. Beginning in September, bright 红色的 fruits serve as food for birds and wildlife.

Arrowwood Viburnum is a multi-stemmed, rounded shrub with creamy white late spring or early summer flowers. Leaves are lustrous, dark green in summer changing from yellow to glossy 红色的 and 红色的dish-purple in the fall. Flowers are followed by blue-black berries that ripen in early fall. This shrub provides food, 封面, and nesting sites for birds, and larval food for butterflies and moths.

The 冬天berry Holly, a cultivar of our native wetland holly, has abundant clusters of long-lasting, bright 红色的 fruits and lustrous, 厚, dark green leaves. The leaves fall off the shrub in autumn creating a brilliant berry display in the winter landscape.



American Cranberrybush Viburnum: white bloom continues to early summer
Arrowwood Viburnum: white bloom continues to early summer

Washington Hawthorn: white bloom, followed by 红色的dish-purple leaves that turn dark green
American Cranberrybush Viburnum: white bloom
Arrowwood Viburnum: white bloom

Washington Hawthorn: fall color, turning orange, scarlet or purple
American Cranberrybush Viburnum: 红色的 berries and fall color which may be yellow, 红色的, orange or burgundy
Arrowwood Viburnum: blue-black berries and fall color changing from yellow to glossy 红色的 and 红色的dish-purple in the fall

冬天berry Holly: 红色的 berries
Washington Hawthorn: 红色的 berries

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